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Model of 21st century physical learning environment (MoPLE21)

The physical learning environment is often considered to be a secondary element of education.
Therefore, this study examined the following research questions: What role does the physical
learning environment play in the educational process? How can we adapt the physical learning
environment to 21 st century education? The present study analyzed behavioral models and
reviewed 21 st century educational frameworks. Based on the findings, an ideal school environment
model, called the MoPLE21, is presented and can be viewed online as an appendix of
this paper at https://mople21.org. Our results show that the physical environment is an important
and often underestimated factor in education, and an appropriately designed school
environment can play a significant role in the 21 st century teaching and learning process.
Finally, the MoPLE21 is discussed as an interdisciplinary tool for educational theorists and
professionals for design, assessment, and everyday use in learning environments.

Rola architektury w tworzeniu aktywnego środowiska edukacji

Zagadnienia poruszane w artykule dotyczą styku pedagogiki, architektury i psychologii środowiskowej: teoretycznej i praktycznej podstawy procesu nauczania, fizycznego wymiaru tego procesu oraz ich wzajemnych relacji i zakresu oddziaływania. W artykule stawiana jest teza ogólna, że w obrębie edukacji równolegle do zmian programowych i metod nauczania powinno następować dostosowanie fizycznego środowiska edukacji. Tezie takiej podporządkowane są trzy tezy pomocnicze:
a) architektura obiektów oświatowych na przestrzeni lat, uległa nieznacznej ewolucji i często nie odpowiada współczesnym potrzebom edukacyjnym;
b) możliwe jest budowanie środowiska edukacyjnego na podstawie koncepcji determinizmu architektonicznego;
c) świadomie projektowana architektura może czynnie uczestniczyć w procesie kształcenia, tworząc aktywne środowisko edukacji.

Szkoły typu Open-Air: eksperymenty architektoniczno-pedagogiczne szkolnictwa w pierwszych dziesięcioleciach XX wieku

The aim of the article is to present the contribution of Open-Air schools in the context of the evolution of the school environment and development of modern pedagogy. The article takes into account the historical context of evolution and the historical development of pedagogical ideas. The article focuses on the connection between pedagogy and architecture – regarding school, both disciplines are inextricably linked. Pedagogy is the theoretical foundation of teaching practice, implemented in an architectural space. The quality of this space is of great importance for learning outcomes. Consciously the design and architecture of a school creates something more than a simple housing for the process of education. It can create an environment for education and could strengthen that process in a synergistic manner. In reality, we can observe almost the opposite situation, when the school space, instead of comprehensively stimulating the students, becomes a materialized symbol of the oppressive nature of the educational system. Open-Air schools of the early twentieth century seem to be still an avant-garde and a model, which should be rediscovered. They offer the opportunity to develop social, emotional, and creative skills. These objectives are itemized by many as essential for education in the future.

New Challenges for Contemporary Architecture: Interdisciplinarity – Innovation – Social Communication

This paper refers to seeking new possibilities for contemporary architecture to develop. The discussed problems focus on interdisciplinarity, innovation, social communication as elements indispensable for development. The article applies to the essence and the notion of relations between these elements. The presented examples illustrate selected design problems. Social communication is described as the determinant of modern society development based on information flow. Two projects are presented, both practical examples of the discussed issues.

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